Most of our trips are to overseas, so it’s essential to have everything we need in our carry-on bags because we don’t see our checked bags for more than 10 hours. We always have separate camera bags for our gear and we NEVER ever check those in. For me, I use the Think Tank Airport Airstream rolling camera bag. It’s easy to roll around and it fits in all overhead bins even for smaller commuter flights. The bag holds:
- 2 medium format film cameras: Contax 645 and Pentax 645
- 3 lenses: Zeiss 45mm f/2.8, Zeiss 80mm f/2.0 and Pentax 75mm f/2.8
- Lots of 120mm Fuji 400h films
- Extra film inserts
- Light meter
- Extra batteries
- Battery chargers
I also carry a Manfrotto Windsor camera and laptop backpack which holds the following items while on the plane, but once we get to our destinations, I use this as a daypack for my camera gear so I don’t have to lug the rolling bag around:
- 15” MacBook Pro
- Bose noise canceling earbuds
- A small bag with international electrical plugs, transformers, chargers, cables…etc.
- Eye mask
- Ear plugs
- Books and magazines
- Chapstick and hand sanitizer
- Energy bars, snacks, coffee candy
- Collapsible water bottle
- Extra set of underwear and socks
- A cardigan/sweater
- A neck pouch with wallet, passport, international vaccination certificate (depending on which countries you are traveling to), boarding passes, iPhone 7 Plus
- Travel itineraries
- A bag with medication basics like Tylenol, ibuprofen, DayQuil/NyQuil, Immodium AD
Darren carries a small Tenba messenger camera bag for his gear both on the plane and also at the destinations. It holds:
- Canon 1V film camera
- Fuji X-E2 mirrorless digital camera
- 2 Lenses: Canon 50mm f/1.2L USM, Fuji 18-55mm f/2.8
- Lots of 35mm Fuji 400h films
- Extra SD memory cards
- External travel hard drive with cables
- Extra batteries
- Battery charger
And he also has an Ogio Prospect backpack for everything else:
- Books & magazines
- Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, contact lens + solution, hand lotion, eye drops… etc.)
- Energy bars
- Extra set of underwear, shirt and socks
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